The SHE STRONG course
Life-changing doesn’t really begin to describe what happens during this course. We tend to think of life-changing events being one moment or experience in time that alters our life immediately and drastically. While this can be true, sometimes, life-changing experiences happen gradually and with time. This course, developed for young females, changes the conscious and unconscious thought patterns we hold and addresses specific stories we have written in our minds in order to re-examine and rewrite them so they are stories and thoughts that serve us more positively. Over the course of 6-weeks young girls learn the specific tools and skills needed to change their negative thought patterns and heal and move past previous negative experiences. The benefits are felt long after the 6 weeks we spend together. The benefits are long-lasting and the skills are there for them as they navigate the world, now more equipped than ever to maintain their confidence and their sense of self during the challenges that inevitably come up in life.
I created this course because throughout my time consulting with hundreds of young females I started to see a pattern- much of their mental and emotional struggles had to do with the pressures that they felt from society and their inability to know who they should be in a world that is constantly telling them they should fit into certain moulds. This threatens self-worth, self-confidence and self-acceptance and leads to a life of anxiety, limiting beliefs, and a life devoid of true joy. This broke my heart. It broke my heart because I lived that way for so long and hoped I was the minority- I never wanted to believe that most girls were feeling the way I did when I was young because it was so incredibly difficult. The truth is, it wasn’t until I was almost 30 that I decided to fully face my negative experiences and rewrite the stories in my head to serve me better. I didn’t have the tools as a young girl to do it so I spent almost 20 years fighting an uphill battle, most often silently, until I finally learned the skills I needed and was ready to turn them on myself instead of just teaching them to others.
Throughout this blog I will speak candidly about my own personal struggles because the biggest fallacy in the mental health profession is that coaches, consultants and therapists don’t struggle because they “know better”. In my opinion, there is no better coach or consultant than the one who has gone through what you have.
And while the SHE STRONG course is designed for young females, the rest of my practice includes all people of all ages and demographics. I have struggled as a young female, I have struggled as an entrepreneur, I have struggled as a small business manager, I have struggled as a parent, I have struggled as a student, I have struggled as wife, a sister, a daughter. And I have come out the other side through a lot of education and a lot of dedication to practicing the science-based practices I spent so many years learning. I still struggle- it would be a lie to tell you that you learn the skills and are magically immune to struggles going forward but the main difference is I have HOPE and I have CONFIDENCE because I know that I have the skills I need to weather the storms and I have my core beliefs that never waiver.
I’m excited to welcome you, whoever you are, to follow along with my journey, and when the time Is right, start the journey for yourself. I am here when you are ready,
yours in gratitude,