Goal vs. Fear Setting
We’ve all heard of goal-setting. It’s a fundamental skill in many achievement domains. But have you heard of Fear-Setting? Founded in Stoicism, Fear-Setting has quickly become one of the most effective tools I use with my athletes, exercisers, and leaders. Fear setting is described as an operating system for for thriving in high stress environments. It's a way to visualize all the bad things that could happen to you, so you become less afraid of taking action. What I find to be the most profound part of my fear-setting workshops is when participants actually allow themselves to admit their fears; not just the more obvious surface ones (fear of failure) but the deep-seeded ones (fear of not deserving love, for example).
The workshop, while simple in it’s structure, often takes time as building the right atmosphere for people to feel as though they can safely embrace their vulnerability- even if only for a few minutes- is a critical component, and sometimes a difficult one.
The outcome of this workshop is often more profound than anyone anticipated and can truly be a pivotal moment for a person or an entire team.
Once we admit our fears we can start to desensitize ourselves to them and remove some of the power they hold over us.
Contact me for more information on creating a tailored workshop for you or your team.