Leading you to your next Performance Breakthrough.

Using scientifically proven Heart Rate Variability Training and Performance Intervention strategies to train your body and brain to work better, together.
Jennifer McChesney, M.S
“Jennifer McChesney is a highly sought-after Performance Coach who specializes in stress & anxiety management. She gained a reputation among parents of young athletes as someone who “truly understands them” and has a “unique ability to connect with athletes in a very powerful way.” She has presented at both national and local conferences & events giving a unique perspective into the interconnectedness of the mind and body. She is a dynamic speaker and a valuable resource for your next event. ”
For Sport.
Whether you’re an individual athlete, a performer, a coach, or a team in pursuit of a common goal, Mental Performance Training is no longer considered an “extra” when it comes to high performance; it is a foundational skill. Having both personal experience as a high-level athlete and an advanced degree in Sport & Exercise Psychology I teach you how to plan reactions, manage emotions, attain goals, and learn how to access PEAK performance, on demand. One-on-one and team sessions available.
For Life.
Have you considered how your mental and emotional training might affect your relationship with yourself and others? Mental wellness and physical wellness go hand in hand and if there is a weakness in one area, the other will suffer. We see the effects of stress and anxiety at all ages these days which is why I have courses designed for kids, teens and adults that break the patterns of negative self-talk, limiting self-confidence and feelings of unworthiness. The single greatest gift we can give ourselves and our children is compassion during challenge times. The second is the proper tools to address those challenges.
For Business.
Investing in the health and wellness of your employees is one of the best things you can do for your business. Workplace stress has adverse effects on workers' mental health, with an increased risk of anxiety, burnout, depression, and substance use disorders. With these attendant health effects, workplace stress reduces employee productivity, increases absenteeism and presenteeism, increases the number of days taken off work for doctor visits, and increases healthcare costs incurred by employers. Using advanced stress & anxiety biofeedback training I can help tackle this issue. One-on-one and team sessions are available along with comprehensive workshops.